TEACHING WRITING ON NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH USING “HELEN KELLER” FILM (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of MAS Ulumuddin Boarding School)

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TEACHING WRITING ON NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH USING “HELEN KELLER” FILM (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of MAS Ulumuddin Boarding School)


This thesis was entitled “Teaching Writing on Narrative Paragraph Using “Helen
Keller” Film (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of
MAS Ulumuddin Boarding School).” Based on the observation that had been
done by the researcher in MAS Ulumuddin Boarding School, especially at the
tenth grade of female students. The students could not arrange the words into
good paragraph because of lack of their vocabulary, they don’t understand how to
compose a good paragraph and they don’t know the components of good writing,
such as; contents, organization, vocabulary, mechanics and grammar. The students
fell uninterested and did not care about the process of teaching writing, even
though the teacher had given the best possible explanation, many students fell
confused in using words and they were bored of paying attention to the material
presented by their teacher. The problem of this research is “Is there any significant
difference in achievement between the students who are taught writing on
narrative paragraph using Helen Keller film from those who are taught using
expository of teaching strategy?”. The purpose of the research is to know whether
there is any significant difference in achievement between the students who are
taught writing on narrative paragraph using Helen Keller film from those who are
taught using expository of teaching strategy. The design of this research was quasi
experimental study with quantitative approach. The total populations of this
research were 78 students. The samples of this research were 50 students. They
were class XC as experimental group that consisted of 25 students and class XE as
control group that consisted of 25 students. Based on the result and the hypothesis
authentication and by using t-test is 4.71, then based on the value in significant
level ⍺ = 0.05, degree of freedom (df) = 48, finding the ttable is 1.67. So, the ttest >
ttable it was 4.71 > 1.67. Meanwhile, as a criteria of hypothesis, if ttest > ttable, Ho
was rejected and Ha was accepted. The score was obtained from result of
calculating, it 4.71 > 1.67, the alternative hypothesis was accepted and null
hypothesis was rejected. In other words, the researcher’s hypothesis was accepted.
Therefore, the researcher concluded that using Helen Keller Film in Teaching
Writing Narrative Paragraph at the tenth grade students of MAS Ulumuddin
Boarding School was effective.

Detail Information

PUTRI ZAHRATUL - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 152308943
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil
420 Put t





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