USING BOARD RACES STRATEGY IN TEACHING VOCABLARY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Samudera)

Record Detail


USING BOARD RACES STRATEGY IN TEACHING VOCABLARY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Samudera)


This thesis entitled “Using Board Race Game in Teaching Vocabulary (A Quasi
Experimental Research on the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Samudera)”. In
every language, vocabulary becomes one of the most important elements should
be mastered by its learner. It is the key to understand what students hear and read
and to be able to communicate successfully with other people. In fact, most of the
eighth grade students were difficult to memories vocabularies the had been taught
by the teacher. Then, the students did not also know vocabularies that often used
in their daily life. Besides, the teacher did not also use various teaching strategies
in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher was interested in testing board
race game in teaching vocabulary. The problem of the research is “does board
race game significantly affect the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary”. The
purpose of this research was to know whether board race game significantly affect
the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. In conducting the research, the
researcher used quantitative approach, and the kind of this research was quasi
experimental research. This research was conducted in SMPN 1 Samudera. The
population of this research was all students of the eighth grade students of SMPN
1 Samudera. The samples of this research consited of two classes that was taken
using simple random sampling technique, those were: class VIII3
that consisted of
25 students was chosen as experimental group and class VIII4
that consisted of 25
students was chosen as control group. The total number of the samples were 50
students. The instrument used to collect the data was test. The test were pre-test
and post-test. The researcher gave pre-test before giving treatment and gave posttest after giving treatment and the treatment was conducted in three meetings. The
data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of the research showed that
the score of t-test was 3.80 while the score of t-table with the significance level at
0.05 and df=48 was 1.66. It meant that t-test was higher than t-table that was 3.80
> 1.66. Based on criteria of hypothesis, the researcher concluded that the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was accepted and the null hypothesis
(Ho) was rejected. It meant board race game significantly affect the students’
ability in mastering vocabulary

Detail Information

Suryani - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 132307735
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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