AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER’S FEEDBACK ON STUDENTS’ WRITING OF RECOUNT TEXT (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Samudera)

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AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER’S FEEDBACK ON STUDENTS’ WRITING OF RECOUNT TEXT (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Samudera)


This thesis entitled “An Analysis of Teacher’s Feedback on Students’ Writing of
Recount Text (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at the Eighth Grade Students of
SMPN 1 Samudera)”. The teacher’s feedback to students’ writing is a key
component and a crucial part of the process of writing. It is supposedly the guide
which students follow throughout the process of writing and the means which
enables them to produce a readable end product. In fact, many students assumed
that the feedback meant nothing but a criticism and an underestimation to their
writing abilities. Consequently, many students overlooked and are continuing to
overlook the feedback. The problem of the research were what kind of feedback
provided by the teacher to help the students in writing recount text, and how are
the students’ responses to the feedback given by the teacher in writing recount
text. The purpose of the research were to know kind of feedback provided by the
teacher to help the students in writing recount text, and the students’ responses to
the feedback given by the teacher in writing recount text. The research design
used in this research was qualitative and the kind of this research was descriptive
qualitative. This research was conducted in SMPN 1 Syamtalira Aron and the
subject of the research was nine students from the eighth grade students which
had different level of ability. The technique of collecting data was through
observation and interview. Meanwhile, the technique of analyzing the data was
using inductive method which consist of three steps namely data reduction, data
display, and data verification. The result of this research showed that that there
were two kinds of feedback provided by the teacher to help the students in writing
recount text. The first kind was conferencing or oral feedback. This kind of
feedback was given during the writing process and also at the end of activities
before the teacher ended the lesson. The second feedback was teacher’s written
comment. This kind of feedback was given having the students submitted their
writing task. In this case, the teacher read the students’ writing and then wrote
something on that student’s writing. The students’ response toward the feedback
given by the teacher was very good. In this case, most of the students considered
feedback given by the teacher during and after writing process as the additional
knowledge that could be used to improve students’ writing of recount text. The
students were happy and motivated after receiving feedback from teachers.

Detail Information

NAZIATUR RAHMI - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 132307745
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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