XMLThe title of this thesis is An Analysis of Educational Values in Dua Belas Pasang
Mata Novel Written by Sakae Tsuboi. The education is not only a process of
transformation of knowledge, but the spirit in getting the education also aimed to
effecting the generation that had a great spirit to learn for a better future. The
novel also can be used as a medium of education. The writer chose this tittle
because she got a teacher who had a huge spirit to educate her students in order to
change their live in the future. The problem in this research was An Analysis of
Educational Values in Dua Belas Pasang Mata novel written by Sakae Tsuboi.
Based on the problem, the purpose of this thesis was to find out and analyzed
Educational Value of education that reflected in Dua Belas Pasang Mata novel. In
this research the writer chose Dua Belas Pasang Mata Novel Written by Sakae
Tsuboi because it had very good example of spirit to get an education. The writer
hopes that the results of this research can to add the spirit of students in getting of
education in literature in form of novel. This research was a library research.
There are primary source and secondary source. The primary source was attained
through the novel Dua Belas Pasang Mata, which had published in Jakarta by PT
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2013. The secondary source was the additional source
of this data’s research are gained from the book of literature, article, internet and
library that relevant to the research. The data collected by some steps, they are
data reduction, data display, and data verification. The research finding the
motivation was very influential and inspiring the readers, especially for students
in getting an education, because in this novel had many examples and experiences
that can be taken as the spirit of education. So, the researchers concludes that the
spirit of education in Dua Belas Pasang Mata novel to evoke the spirit of students
to learn and getting an education.
Detail Information
Penulis |
RISNAWATI - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM | 132307720 |
Edition | |
Language |
Publisher | FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe., 2018 |
Edition | |
Subject(s) | |
No Panggil |