TEACHING PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE BY USING MIME GAME (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade Students of MTsS Safinatussalamah Blang Panyang)

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TEACHING PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE BY USING MIME GAME (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade Students of MTsS Safinatussalamah Blang Panyang)


The title of this thesis is “Teaching Present Continuous Tense by Using Mime
Game (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade Students of MTsS
Safinatussalamah Blang Panyang)”. Most students in seventh grade of MTsS
Safinatussalamah Bang Panyang got problem and troubles in mastering present
continuous tense. It was happened because most of students think that learning
present continuous tense is difficult and learning grammar in school still use
uninteresting method, and also the atmosphere students of the class is frequently
passive. The problem of this research is there any significant differences in
achievement between the students who are taught present continuous tense by
using mime game from those who are taught by using conventional method at the
seventh grade students’ of MTsS Safinatussalamah Blang Panyang?. The purpose
of this research is to know whether there is significant differences in achievement
between the students who are taught present continuous tense by using mime
game from those who are taught by using conventional method at the seventh
grade students’ of MTsS Safinatussalamah Blang Panyang. The methodology
used in this research quantitative with quasi-experimental design. The population
of the research was the seventh grade students of MTsS Safinatussalamah Blang
Panyang. In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling, those are: class
VII-A as the experimental group consists of 27 students and VII-B as the control
group consists of 27 students. The total number of samples is 54 students. The
instrument used to collect the data was a test. The test are pre-test and post-test.
The research gave pre-test before giving the treatment and post-test after giving
treatment and the treatment was conducting in three meetings. The data was
analyzed by using t-test formula. The researcher found that the score of t-test was
7.52, the score of t-table on significance 0.05 was 1.67. It means that t-test was
higher than t-table, the on criteria 7.52 > 1.67. So, based on criterion, the
researcher conclude that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was
accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that using mime
game in teaching present continuous tense was effective.

Detail Information

ANNISA - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 162309872
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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