‘AQIQAH PADA HARI KETUJUH KEMATIAN (SEUNUJOH) MENURUT PERSPEKTIF FIQH SYAFI‘IYAH ; Analisis Terhadap Praktik Masyarakat di Gampong Cibrek Tunong, Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Propinsi Aceh
‘Aqiqah is sunnah practice which is suggested to be done at a child birth. Its best time is on the
seventh day of the birth. Horewer, some of people - in Gampong Cibrek Tunong, Syamtalira
Aron Sub District, Aceh Utara District, Aceh Province – slaughter animals for ‘aqiqah on the
seventh day of their family member‟s death (seunujoh). Due to that, the problem in this study is
how the practice done in this society and how the law of the ‘aqiqah practice done on the
seventh day of the death based on the perspective of Syafi‘iyah fiqh. The objective of this study
is to describe the ‘aqiqah practice done by some of the people in this place. It is also to explain
the law terms based on perspective of Syafi‘iyah fiqh. The reason in doing so is because most of
the society in Aceh is the adherent of Syafi‘i mazhab in practice. After the whole data was
collected and analyzed it is found that theoretically the practice of ‘aqiqah on the seventh day of
the death is not allowed Syafi‘iyah fiqh and not legal based on the majority of ulama premise
except if there was will and testament from the late person.
Detail Information
Penulis |
Dr. H. M. Jafar, SHI., MA - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM | 197101012007011088 |
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No Panggil |
Ahwal al-Syakhsyiyyah