THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SAVI APPROACH IN TEACHING VOCABULARY (A Quasi Experimental Research at Tenth Grade Students of MAN Krueng Guekueh)

Record Detail

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SAVI APPROACH IN TEACHING VOCABULARY (A Quasi Experimental Research at Tenth Grade Students of MAN Krueng Guekueh)


This thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of Using SAVI approach in Teaching
Vocabulary (A Quasi Experimental Research at MAN krueng Geukueh)”.
Vocabulary was one of the parts of speech that should be mastered by the
students. It is a word that used to combine sentences, by mastering vocabulary the
students would be easier in speaking or writing English correctly. In fact, most of
the tenth grade students did not master vocabulary. They were also difficult to use
vocabulary in speaking or writing activities. Another problem was the teacher did
not use various approach in teaching vocabulary so that the students got bored in
learning. The problem of the research in this research is there any significant
effect in achievement between the students who are taught vocabulary by using
SAVI approach in teaching vocabulary from those who are taught by using
conventional method. The purpose of this research was to know whether there is
any significant effect in achievement between the students who are taught
vocabulary by using SAVI approach in teaching vocabulary from those who are
taught by using conventional method. This research was experimental research
and used quasi experimental design. The population of the research was all of the
tenth grade students of MAN Krueng Geukueh, where there were 5 classes. In this
research there were two classes was choosen as sample by using simple random
sampling. The sample was divided into two groups. The Experimental group (X2)
was taught by applying SAVI approach, while the control group (X3) was taught
by applying conventional method. Those are: class X2 that consist of 20 students
was chosen as experimental group and class X3 consist of 20 students was
chosen as control group. The total number of the sample was 40 students. The
instrument used to collect the data was test. The test were pre-test and post-test.
The researcher gave pre-test before giving treatment and post-test after giving
treatment. The treatment was conducted in four meetings. The data was analyzed
by using t-test formula. The researcher found that the score of t-test was 4,53
while the score of t-table on significance level 0,05 and df = 38 was 1,68. It meant
that t-test was higher than t-table that is 4,53 > 1,68. So, based on the criterion,
the researcher concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was
accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It meant that using SAVI
approach in teaching vocabulary to the tenth grade students of MAN Krueng
Geukueh was effective.

Detail Information

FATMAWATI - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 132307648
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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