XMLThe presence of many conventional financial institutions and syaria financial
institutions in the midst of society, provides a separate understanding for the
community, especially the people who need money loans. There are people who
think that borrowing money from the bank is complicated and takes a relatively
long time. Then the requirements are more difficult to fulfill such as documents
that must be complete. Similarly, the guarantee given must be certain items,
because not all goods can be used as collateral in the bank. So there was a
perception of the people who guessed that mortgage services on syaria pawnshops
became an alternative for the community to get funds. The formulation of the
problem in this study is how the perceptions of the Dayah Village of West
Lhoksukon towards syaria pawnshops and how the impact of the perceptions of
the Dayah community of West Lhokukon Gampong on the interest of becoming
customers at syaria pawnshops. This study will use a type of qualitative field
research. The method used is a qualitative method and the type chosen is the field
(Field Research). The results of this research are the perceptions of the gampoeng
Dayah Lhoksukon Barat community towards Sharia Pawnshops that are financial
institutions in Indonesia that carry out their duties and functions based on sharia
principles that provide important values for the progress of financial institutions to
continue to grow and be trusted as trobosan provide money with pawning and
billing steps can be done at the Sharia Pawnshops. Therefore, the impact of the
public perception of the Dayah Lhoksukon West Gampoeng on the interest in
becoming a customer at Sharia Pawnshops is very necessary to build the image of
the Islamic Pawnshop in the Dayah village of West Lhoksukon. The goal is to
help the community because of sharia pawnshops that make services that function
to channel funds to the community with sharia provisions that clearly prioritize
the community. Especially people who visit Sharia Pawnshop will know the
differences that are obtained from the services and systems that are implemented.
So I am interested in becoming a customer at the Sharia Pawnshops. Sharia
Pawnshops unit Lhoksukon should have observed the city of Lhoksukon to find
out the development of the community in Gampoeng Dayah Lhoksukon. So that
there are no obstacles for both parties. Should the Sharia Pawnshops community
of Lhoksukon unit be more open both in paying off fees, providing capital taken
as well as in carrying out the efforts taken to develop.
Keywords : community perception, sharia pawnshop, west dayah lhoksukon
Detail Information
Penulis |
IDA SAPITRI - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM | 141207927 |
Edition | |
Language |
Publisher | FEBI-EKONOMI SYARIAH : IAIN Lhokseumawe., 2019 |
Edition | |
Subject(s) | |
No Panggil |