TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH INQUIRING MINDS WANTS TO KNOW STRATEGY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of MTsN 1 Kuta Makmur)

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TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH INQUIRING MINDS WANTS TO KNOW STRATEGY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of MTsN 1 Kuta Makmur)


This thesis entitled “Teaching Reading Comprehension through Inquiring Minds
Want to Know Strategy (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eight Grade
Students of MTsN 1 Kuta Makmur)”. Reading is one of the most important skills
that should be mastered in learning English, and having more essential than other
language skills because it can improve other language skills such listening,
speaking, and also writing. In fact, the students’ ability in mastering reading
comprehension was low. In this case, most of the eighth grade students were
unable to comprehend the meaning of the text that was being read. Besides, the
strategy used by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension was also
monotonous. Therefore, the researcher used inquiring minds wants to know
strategy in teaching reading comprehension. The problem of this research “does
inquiring mind want to know strategy is significantly affect the students’ ability in
mastering reading comprehension”. The purpose of this research was to know
whether inquiring mind want to know strategy significantly affects the students’
ability in mastering reading comprehension. This research was quasi experimental
design. The population of the research was all of the eighth grade students of
MTsN 1 Kuta Makmur that were 62 students. In this research, the samples were
determined by using simple random sampling technique and chosen by using
lottery. The researcher wrote the name of each class on each paper and then took
two papers to be used as the sample. The first paper taken was used as
experimental class and the second paper taken was used as control class. Class
that consisted of 21 students was chosen as experimental group and class
consisted of 20 students was chosen as control group. The total number of
the samples was 41 students. The instrument used to collect the data was test. The
tests were pre-test and post-test. The teaching learning process was conducted in
three meetings. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The researcher
found that the score of t-test was 3.84, while the score of t-table on significance
level 0.05 and df=39 was 1.68. It meant that t-test was higher than t-table that is
3.84 > 1.68. So, based on the criterion, the researcher concluded that the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was accepted and the null hypothesis
(Ho) was rejected.

Detail Information

SUSIANTI - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 132307694
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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