THE INFLUENCE OF USING EXPOSITORY STRATEGY IN TEACHING WRITING PROCEDURE TEXT (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 5 Lhokseumawe)

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THE INFLUENCE OF USING EXPOSITORY STRATEGY IN TEACHING WRITING PROCEDURE TEXT (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 5 Lhokseumawe)


This thesis entitled “The Influence of Using About-Point Strategy in
Teaching Reading Comprehension (A Quasi Experimental Research at
the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 12 Lhokseumawe)”. Reading
comprehension is a complex process of decoding text and making
meaning. The fact in the field showed that the most of students cannot
understand meaning of the text and they are not interested in studying
reading. The researcher formulated the research problem “ Is there any
significance differences in achievement between the students who are
taught by using About-Point strategy in mastering reading
comprehension and the students who are taught conventional method?”.
The purpose of this research was to know whether there is significance
differences in achievement between the students who are taught by using
About-Point strategy in mastering reading comprehension and the
students who are taught conventional method. So that the researcher
took two classess for the sample. To determine the experimental group
and control group, the researcher used About-Point strategy. As a result,
class VII-2 as experimental group and VII-3 as control group. The
sample of this research are 54 students, 27 students in experimental
group and also 27 students in control group. Then, the researcher
administered pre-test to both of the classes. In experimental group, the
researcher applied About-Point strategy in teaching reading
comprehension, but in control group was taught by using conventional
method. After giving treatment, the researcher gave the students posttest to both groups. In this research, the experimental grouphad a better
result than control group. The result of this research showed that the
students achievement in control group was lower thatn experimental
group. This was proved by the result of t-test 5.30. the score of t-table on
significance 0.05 was 2.00. It means that t-test was higher than t-table.
The obtained that = t test > t table that is 5.30 > 2.00 and df = 52.from
distribution t hypothesis of this research (Ha) was accepted and the null
hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Therefore, that udsing About-Point
strategy in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text was

Detail Information

LIA TAYOAN - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 132307647
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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