INTERPRETASI ASNAF ZAKAT DALAM KONTEKS FIQIH KONTEMPORER (Studi Analisis Fungsi Zakat Dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat)

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Jurnal Internasional

INTERPRETASI ASNAF ZAKAT DALAM KONTEKS FIQIH KONTEMPORER (Studi Analisis Fungsi Zakat Dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat)


Some benefits of zakat is as form of faith to Allah, but also it has
bigger own contribution in process of building Muslim personality as
the community and state member. Beside of that, it also could
increase the form of social and solidarity as the relationship soul
between the rich and poor level. So it will formed balancing of
economic empowerment and falah or winning. Contextual
understanding about zakat revenue consisted of eight level which is
called 8 asnaf 9 (groups) it caused the purpose of zakat will not
achieved, because zakat fund distribution to them just only in kind of
charity. Furthermore, for the achievement of zakat purpose and
benefits of zakat obligation, so the comprehensive and contextual
understanding about eight groups or asnaf of zakat receiver need to
be done, so the group which has the right to get the fund of zakat will
receive their right. This research has the objective to explained how
the interpretation of asnaf zakat in contextual classic and
contemporary fiqh and to give a brief explanation about the function
of zakat to economic empowerment of Muslim community. In alQur’an, the word of zakat and praying was called as many as 82 times
in the sequence of words which is successively, so zakat has it owns
position as same as praying and we can find more or less 27 articles
that put in line the praying with the obligation of zakat payment. The
result of research has shown that the understanding of 8 asnaf
(groups) should be studied again universally, where at this time the
meaning and concentration to the mustahik zakat in the narrow
scopes. Zakat is related with relocation of economic source that can
enhance the poor’s level to higher degree. To empower of zakat
potential economically it’s mean we think how to take the benefit of
zakat as one of economic source which can get the benefit or result,
maximum and optimal of consumptive and productive benefits, and
also, to solve the poverty problem and economic empowerment of
Muslim community also to prevent the happen of wealth
concentration from some group of people. In term of economic
empowerment of Muslim community and eradication of poverty, so
the institutions of zakat have to apply the management of zakat based
on the development and empowerment, so the presence of those
institutions could be the real helper for mustahiq zakat of zakat

Detail Information

Malahayatie - Personal Name
Publisher Al-Mabhats : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil





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