THE USE OF JEOPARDY GAME IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION (An Experimental Research of Tenth Grade Students at SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Luas)

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THE USE OF JEOPARDY GAME IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION (An Experimental Research of Tenth Grade Students at SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Luas)


This thesis entitled ”The Use of Jeopardy Game in Teaching Reading
Comprehension (An Experimental Research of Tenth Grade at SMAN 1
Tanah Luas)”. Reading comprehension is the process of making meaning from
text or an active process where the reader try to gain the information given by
author and understand what actually the purpose of the author. However, many of
students at tenth grade of SMAN 1 Tanah Luas faced a lot of problems in reading
comprehesion, especially in descriptive text, such as the student had difficulty in
understanding about reading text and they still unable got the point of a text that
they read because the students have lack of vocabulary, they felt bored and they
were not interested in reading learning proces. The problem of this research was
“is there any significant differences in achievement between the students who are
taught reading comprehension by using jeopardy game from those who are taught
by using conventional method”. The purpose of the research was whether there is
any significant differences in achievement between the students who are taught
reading comprehension by using jeopardy game from those who are taught by
using conventional method. The methodoloy of this research was quasi
experimental design with treatment held in three meetings. The sample of this
study was 76 students, 38 students of class X MIA 1 as experimental group and 38
students of class X MIA 3 as control group. To determine the sample of this
research, the researcher used simple random sampling (SRS) by using lottery
technique. The instrument used to collect the data was test. The researcher gave
the students pre-test before treatment and after the third meetings the researcher
gave post-test to both groups. The data was analyzed by using ttest formula. The
researcher found that score of ttest was 5,9 while the score of ttable on significance
level (α) = 0,05 and df = 74 was 1,7. It meant that ttest was higher than ttable (5,9 >
1,7). So, based on the criterion, the researcher concluded that the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) of this research was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was
rejected. Therefore, it means that jeopardy game in teaching reading
comprehension at tenth grade students in SMAN 1 Tanah Luas was effective.

Detail Information

JULIANA FAJRI - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 152308940
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil
420 Jul t





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