TEACHING WRITING BY USING GRAPHIC ORGANIZER STRATEGY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Tanah Luas)

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TEACHING WRITING BY USING GRAPHIC ORGANIZER STRATEGY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Tanah Luas)


This thesis entitled “Teaching Writingby Using Graphic Organizer Strategy (A
Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Tanah
Luas)”.Writing as one of four language skills is very urgent to be mastered
because it helps the people communicate with other more efficiently and
practically. Giving information through written form is more effective than
spoken form because the reader has the time to think for what he read. In fact, most of the eighth grade students could not produce a good writing
paragraph.They were difficult in gathering the ideas to be written and they did not
know how to organize their ideas in aparagraph unity. Besides, the strategy used
by the teacher in teaching writing was monotonous. Therefore, the researcher was
interested in testing the use of graphic organizer strategy in teachingwriting.The
purpose of this research was to know whether graphic organizer strategy
significantly affect the students’ ability in mastering writing. In conducting the
research, the researcher used quantitative approach, and the kind of this research
was quasi experimental research. This research was conducted in SMPN 1 Tanah
Luas. The population of this research was all students ofthe eighth grade students
of SMPN 1 Tanah Luas. The samples of this research consist of two classes that
was taken using simple random sampling technique, those are: class VIII2
consist of 25 students was chosen as experimental group and class VIII4
consist of 24 students was chosen as control group.The total number of the
samples were49 students. The instrument used to collect the data was test. The
test were pre-test and post-test.The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The
result of the research showed that the score of t-test was 3.91 while the score of ttable with the significance level at 0.05 and df=47was 1.67. It meant that t-test
was higher than t-table that was 3.91> 1.67. Based on criteria of hypothesis, the
researcher concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was
accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It meant that graphic
organizer strategy significantly affect the students’ ability in mastering writing. KeyWords: Graphic Organizers Strategy, Writing Skill, Experimental Research

Detail Information

NURJANNAH - Personal Name
NIP/NIDN/NIM 152308952
Publisher FTIK-TEN : IAIN Lhokseumawe.,
No Panggil
420 Jan t





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